Introductory Meditation & Acupuncture Sessions 2020
Introduction to Meditation & Acupuncture Sessions for Teens/Adults— Sunday Afternoons Beginning January
This is a group session that will teach adults and teens how to meditate, be mindful, & reach a higher mental clarity. Individualized ear acupuncture treatments will also be included.
(Ear seeds available if your teen is opposed to needles)
If you identify with one or more of the following this is a great opportunity to learn the tools to heal and project you onto a positive path into your future.
*self-hating, self-doubt
*lack of willpower
*lack of self-esteem
*poor focus, memory and concentration
*anger issues
Meditation has MANY proven health benefits by the World Health Organization. It takes time to learn and practice, but with regular practice and the techniques it can change lives.
*Individual sessions are $55.
*Package of 5 sessions is $250.
*Only 7 Spots Available.
Text 661-270-6596 to reserve or for more information!
Sessions held at Natural Life Acupuncture & Holistic Medicine inside Suite 501