7 Tips To Get Back Into A Fitness Routine

7 Tips To Get Back Into A Fitness Routine

It’s a brand new year! What resolutions have you made for yourself? Do your resolutions include being healthier? Changing the way you eat? Becoming more mindful of the environment? Beginning an exercise routine? All of these common resolutions are great to become a better version of you!
The most common New Years resolutions involve exercise, diet, fitness, or weight loss goals. But what if you’ve never exercised before? Or perhaps it’s been a while and you’re struggling to get in the routine!

I Know That Struggle!
I’m going to list some of my tips on how I get myself back in the gym or Into a fitness routine after a long time away.

Growing up, I played competitive sports and was always exercising or moving my body on a regular, weekly basis. When I graduated from my university is when I started to lose myself and lack discipline in a fitness routine. After I had my second child 4 years out of college it was time to get back into my routine! This was HARD.

I KNOW it isn’t easy for everyone. But if you want to have a better chance of success follow my tips on how I have stuck to my new routine.

1. Make Reasonable Goals- Always start small. Make a goal that is more than reasonable that you know you can achieve without any doubts. That way when you reach your goal you feel great about yourself and get to set new goals. This helps you to avoid burnout both physically and mentally.

2. Positive Mindset- Envision your goals every day. Stay positive and be mindful. Catch yourself when you have any negative thoughts and redirect your brain to your goals and your plan.

3. Clean Up Your Social Media- Unfollow anyone or any influencers on Social Media that negatively impact your mindset or self-respect. The last thing you need is an unreasonable image in your brain of what is normal.

4. Don’t Make Excuses About Time- If you find yourself saying that you don’t have time... it’s not that you don’t have time, it’s more that you don’t view exercise as a priority. Let me explain this.. even 10-20 minutes of movement or exercise is helpful to reaching your goals! So show up everyday, whether it’s at the gym or just at home. Commit to yourself and your health to just show up. The days that you don’t want to are the most important days that you still show up- even if it’s just a 10-15 minute stretching session!

5. Weights Over Cardio- It is so much easier to stick to your routine when it includes more weight training than cardio! Weight training helps build stamina and muscle which in turn will increase your metabolic rate and help burn excess fat when you’re not working out.

6. Walk- if you are completely new to exercise or it has been several years since you’ve had a routine, start with walking! Walking is a great way to get things going and start moving your body. Make small walking goals. Start with one 20 minute walk per week. Then once that becomes a habit, add another day. Once you’ve made it to 3 20-minute walks per week you can increase the time by 10 minutes, eventually building up to three 30-45 minute walks per week.

7. Meditate- Last But NOT Least! If you’re really struggling to stay motivated or if you want to make sure that you don’t lose motivation, MEDITATION Works! And if you don’t know how to meditate, you can join the introductory meditation and acupuncture sessions to learn! Check it out here.

If you have weight loss goals in 2020, schedule a consultation with your acupuncturist to discuss how they can help you to enhance your weight loss plan and success!

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