What To Expect At Your First Acupuncture Treatment
You might be a bit anxious as you head to your first meeting with your acupuncturist. Especially if you have never received acupuncture before and don’t really know how it works or what to expect!
It can be really helpful to know what to expect during your consultation and first treatment to ease your nerves a bit about the unknown.
When you book your appointment you will receive an email with your on-boarding paperwork. Within these forms you will find your current and past medical history questionnaire that will help you start thinking about the questions your acupuncturist will go over and need to know about.
When you arrive at your appointment your acupuncturist will go over your medical history, take your pulse, look at your tongue, and present your your treatment plan based on your diagnosis. You will discuss any herbal medicine that may benefit you and your condition and then receive your acupuncture treatment.
You want to be sure to wear loose fitting clothing that can easily roll up the pants and arms, or bring shorts to change into for your treatment.
Most patients take a short nap during their treatment. After your treatment you will feel very refreshed and relaxed. At this time you will book your follow-up treatment and make your payment.
As you leave the clinic, be sure to take mental notes in the following 1-3 days until your follow-up about how you’re feeling and what seems to feel better or still the same. This is important information that you will want to share with your acupuncturist next time you see them.
And just like that you’ve discovered one of the best forms of alternative and preventative medicine that’s existed and evolved for thousands of years!!
Text 661-270-6596 or visit our page www.naturallifeacu.com to book your first treatment and consultation.