Get ready to take control of your health.

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Natural Life Acupuncture and Holistic Medicine provides a holistic approach to medicine to the community of Santa Clarita Valley and its surrounding areas. We proudly create a personalized one-on-one experience with patient and practitioner for your entire office visit. Our services include acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine & medicinal products, and more. Explore our services.


Our Services

We offer treatment for pain management, acute injuries, gastrointestinal syndromes, mental health, women’s health, pregnancy symptoms, PPD, & provide fertility and cosmetic acupuncture. Ask about cupping and Chinese herbal & medicinal products.

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Updates & Specials

Our weekly blogs contain our most recent news, patient success stories, integrative medicine news updates, and any current promotions. So be sure to check in each week for some great newsletters and deals!

NOW TAKING INSURANCE! We are in-network with all CIGNA HMO & PPO plans.

We are happy to bill out of network for a $10 fee. Please contact us for help checking your benefits for acupuncture services.

Check your insurance benefits here »

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Our Practice

Natural Life Acupuncture is proud to serve the Santa Clarita Valley (SCV).

Our Santa Clarita Valley is located inside the new luxury Thermal Horizons Yoga & Wellness Center in Valencia, CA.

We are proud to invite you to visit us in our clinic location!

Our practice welcomes all patients and proudly offers personalized one-on-one office visits EVERY time. Your practitioner will give you her undivided attention for the duration of your appointment. Learn more about our specialties and services.


Acupuncturists take the stress out of your daily life.

We have the answers to and the treatment plan for your health concerns that Western medicine often does not.

#thereisanherbforthat #saynotopharmaceuticals

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A Treatment Plan That Works

We treat the ROOT of your health problems AND your symptoms. Every individual is different and we provide you a full treatment plan and are here to help you create a healthy diet and lifestyle specific to your health concerns.